1.2.0 (2024-09-16)
Bug Fixes
- deploy documentation to main branch instead of gh-pages (625ecf6)
- deploy: change deploy branch to 'gh-pages' and enable orphan commits (456d650)
- include image assets in deployment (1ac0e5f)
- install missing mkdocs-meta-descriptions plugin and clean up cname comment (b534518)
- move favicon.ico to docs directory for favicon loading experiment (2b5726c)
- update deploy workflow to deploy documentation changes (c110fe5)
- update paths for logo and favicon in mkdocs.yml (6380fad)
- workflow: trigger deploy on all pushes to main by removing path filters (764d5e2)
- #4: Add CI/CD Workflow for Documentation Deployment and Initial MkDocs Setup (38880b1), closes #4 #4
- add deployment step to GitHub Pages in deploy.yml (239f622)
- add favicon and logo images for branding (fff3727), closes #5
- docs: initialize documentation structure for Siphon website (7648cc1), closes #4
- images: add favicon.ico and logo.png (bb47d10)
- trigger semantic release to update changelog (c526227)
- update semantic-release config to move changelog to docs directory (1a5d16c)
- workflow: add manual trigger using workflow_dispatch (5955092)
title: "Changelog" description: "Record of all notable changes to Siphon."